A Partial List of Publications

The following papers resulted from research done with the help of funding from Primate Conservation Inc.

Nowak, Perkin Jones

Update on Habitat Loss and Conservation Status of the Endangered Zanzibar Red Colobus on Uzi and Vundwe Islands 2MB pdf

Deborah Curtis

Curtis, D.J., Velo, A., Raheliarisoa, E.-O., Zaramody, A. & M?ller, P. (1998) Surveys on Propithecus verreauxi deckeni, a melanistic variant, and P. v. coronatus in north-west Madagascar. Oryx. 32: 157-164. 

Curtis, D.J. & Zaramody, A. (1998) Group size, home range use and seasonal variation in the ecology of Eulemur mongoz. Int. J. Primatol. 19: 811-835.

Curtis, D.J., Zaramody, A. & Martin, R.D. (1999) Cathemerality in the mongoose lemur, Eulemur mongoz. Am. J. Primatol. 47: 279-298.

Curtis, D.J. & Zaramody, A. (1999) Social structure and seasonal variation in the behaviour of Eulemur mongoz. Folia Primatol. 70: 79-96.

M?ller, P., Velo, A., Raheliarisoa, E.-O., Zaramody, A. & Curtis, D.J. (2000) Surveys of five sympatric lemurs at Anjamena, north-west Madagascar. Afr. J. Ecol. 38: 248-257.

Curtis, D. J., Zaramody, A., Green, D. I. & Pickard, A. R. (2000) Non-invasive monitoring of reproductive status in wild mongoose lemurs (Eulemur mongoz). Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 12: 21-29.

Agustin Fuentes

Fuentes, A. (1998) Current status and future viability for the Mentawai primates, Primate Conservation 17: 111-116

Fuentes, A. and Ray, E. (1997) Humans, Habitat Loss and Hunting: The status of the Mentawai primates on Sipora and the Pagai Islands, Asian Primates 5(3-4): 5-9

Michele L. Goldsmith

Short documentary: Paramount Studios, Wild Things, Dr. Michele Goldsmith and Bwindi's Mt. Gorillas. Season Two: Week 20 - Gorging Gorillas.http: //www.wildthings.paramount.com/wtwalkwild-f5.html

Goldsmith, ML and Stanford, CB (1998) Project update: Bwindi-Impenetrable great ape project (BIGAPE), Uganda. Gorilla Conservation News, no. 12, May, p.18.

Goldsmith, M.L. and Stanford, C.B. (1997) The Bwindi Impenetrable Great Ape Project, Uganda. Gorilla Conservation News, no. 11, pp. 17-18.

Goldsmith, M.L. and Stanford, C.B. (1997) Comparative behavioural ecology of Bwindi gorillas and chimpanzees, Journal of Berggorilla and Regenwald Direkthilfe, No. 15, pp. 17-19.

Goldsmith, M.L., Nkurunungi, J.B. and Stanford, C.B. (1999) Gorilla behavioral ecology: Effects of altitudinal changes on highland/lowland populations. American Journal of Physical  Anthropology, Sup, 28, p. 137; AAPA meetings, Ohio.

Stanford, C.B. and Goldsmith, M.L. (1998)  The subspecies concept in primatology:the case of Bwindi gorillas.  Paper presented at XVII Congress of International Primatological Society, Madagascar.

Goldsmith, M.L., Hanke, A., Nkurunungi, J.B. and Stanford, C.B. (1998)Comparative behavioral ecology of Bwindi gorillas and chimpanzees, Uganda:Preliminary results.  American Journal of Physical  Anthropology, Supp. 26:101; AAPA meetings, Utah.

Hanke, A. and Goldsmith, M.L. (1998)  Nesting behavior: Implications fordetermining group dynamics of mountain gorillas in Bwindi-Impenetrable National Park, Uganda.  American Journal of Physical  Anthropology, Supp. 26: 96-97;AAPA meetings, Utah.

Stieg Johnson  Brown Lemurs in Madagascar

Johnson S, and Wyner Y (2000)  Notes on the biogeography of E. f. albocollaris.  Lemur News 5:25-28.

Johnson S, and Overdorff D  (1999)  A census of brown lemurs (Eulemur fulvus sspp.) in southeastern Madagascar:  methods-testing and conservation implications.  American Journal of Primatology 7(10):51-60.

Johnson S (1996)  A census of Eulemur fulvus in Madagascar:  methods-testing and conservation implications.  Presented at AAPA Annual Meeting, April1996.  Abstract published in American Journal of Physical Anthropology Suppl. 22:133

Kim R. McConkey 

McConkey. K.R., Aldy, F., Ario, A. and Chivers, D.J.  2002. Selection of fruit by gibbons (Hylobates mulleri x agilis) in the rain forests of central Borneo. International Journal of Primatology, 23(1).

McConkey. K.R. 2000. The primary seed shadow generated by gibbons in the rain forests of Barite Le, central Borneo. American Journal of Primatology, 52: 1-17.

Galetti, M. and McConkey, K. 1998. Black hornbill Anthracoceros malayanusfollowing Gibbons in Central Borneo.  Ibis,  140 (4): 686-687.

McConkey, K.R. 1999. Gibbons as seed dispersers in the rain-forests of Central Borneo. PhD dissertation, Cambridge, UK.

 Presentations at meetings

McConkey, K.R. and Bricknell, S. 2001. Fruit selection by hybird gibbons(Hylobates agilis x H. muelleri)  in the rainforests of Borneo. The XVIIIth Congress of the International Primatological Society, Adelaide, Australia.

McConkey, K.R. 1999. Fruits and frugivores in a Bornean rain forest.  Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.

McConkey, K.R. 1999. Seed dispersal by gibbons in the rain-forests of central Borneo. Invited paper, British Ecological Society Tropical Ecology meeting, Cambridge, UK.

Kelley McFarland

Oates, J.F., McFarland, K.L. Bergl, R.A., Linder, J.M., T.R. Disotell, & J.L. Groves. In preparation.  The Cross River Gorilla: The natural history and status of a neglected and critically endangered subspecies.  A.B. Taylor & M.L. Goldsmith (eds.), Gorilla Biology: A Multidisciplinary Perspective.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.McFarland, K. 1998. Gorilla killed in Cross River State, Nigeria. Gorilla Journal 17: 14-15.

McFarland, K. 1994. Update on gorillas in Cross River State, Nigeria.  Gorilla Conservation News 8: 13-14.

Popular Articles

Alexander, C.P. 2000. Death Row: Our relatives in peril. TIME: January 17.

Redmond, I. 1999. Gorilla killer imprisoned.  BBC Wildlife 17(2):32.

Rotterdam Zoo. 2000. Gorillas in Nigeria.  Blijdorp blad zorgzame ouder 1: 10-11 (in Dutch).

Scott McGraw 


2001            McGraw, W.S. A survey of forest primates near the Ivory Coast's Ehi Lagune: further evidence for the extinction of Colobus badius waldroni. Am. J. Phys. Anthro. Supp. (in press). 

2001            McGraw, W.S. Diversity of guenon positional behavior: Evidence from West Africa. 18th Congress of the International Primatological Society (18:171).

2000                 McGraw, W.S. Survey of endangered primates in the forest reserves of eastern Cote d?Ivoire. Am. J. Phys. Anthro. 105:(26)159.

Reviewed papers

2000                 McGraw, W.S. Positional behavior of Cercopithecus petaurista. Int. J. Primatology 21:157-182.

Oates, J., M. Abedi-Lartey, W.S. McGraw, T. Struhsaker and G. Whitesides. Extinction of a West African red colobus monkey. Conservation Biology 14(5):1526-1532. 

1999                 McGraw, W.S. Survey of endangered primates in the forest reserves                                                 of eastern Cote d?Ivoire. African Primates 3:22-25.

1998                 McGraw, W.S. Three Subspecies of Monkey Nearing Extinction in the Forest               Reserves of eastern Cote d?Ivoire. Oryx 32(3):233-236.

Short communications

In press            McGraw, W.S. Conserving forest monkeys in the Ivory Coast's Tai National Park. The Conservationist.

2000                 McGraw W.S. Looking for lost monkeys. The Anthropological Insider, Fall 2000.

1999            McGraw, W.S. West African monkeys in jeopardy: A report on the cercopithecids of eastern Cote d?Ivoire. Bull. American Society of Primatology 23(1):8-9.

1998                 McGraw, W.S. Survey of endangered primates in the forest reserves of eastern Cote d?Ivoire. Royal Zoological Society of Scotland. Annual Report 1998.

Unpublished Research Reports 

McGraw, W.S. Survey of primates in the forest near the Ivory Coast's Ehi Lagoon.  Report to the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ivory Coast.

McGraw W.S. Survey of endangered primates in the forest reserves of eastern Cote d'Ivoire: With preliminary remarks on the Ehi Forest near the Ghanaian border. Report submitted to the Ghana Wildlife Department.

Anna Nekaris    Slender lorises India

Popular Article:Nekaris KAI. In Press.  How lazy is a loris?  BBCWildlife. (they will probably change this title; itappears in this magazine at the end of the year)

Scientific Journal Articles:

Bearder SK, Nekaris KAI, and Buzzell CA. In press. Dangers in the night: are some nocturnal primatesafraid of the dark?  Book Chapter in Eat or Be Eaten: Predator Sensitive Foraging, Lynne Miller, editor.

Nekaris KAI. In review. The spacing system of theMysore slender loris and its implications for slenderloris social organization. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. (resubmitted with alterations)

Nekaris KAI. In review.  The activity budget of the Mysore slender loris. Folia Primatologica.(resubmitted with alterations)

Nekaris, KAI and Rasmussen DT. In review. The Diet of the Slender Loris: insectivory in a small-bodied nocturnal primate. International Journal of Primatology.

Nekaris, KAI and Schulze H. Submitted. A review of the current conservation status of the slender loris. IUCN Asian Primates Newsletter.

Film in which the slender loris at Ayyalur will be featured: Lords of the Land: the Tree DwellersI was scientific advisor for the slender loris segment. This is a David Attenborough series.

Pham Nhat

Pham Nhat, 1996. Tai nguyen dong vat rung Quang Binh- Hien trang va van de quan ly. Tap Chi Lam nghiep 6: 22-24 (The Wildlife of Quangbinh Province- Status & management activities. Forest Review N0. 6, 1996).

Pham Nhat, Do Tuoc, 1996. Cac loai Linh truong trong Sach Do Viet Nam va van de bao ton. Trong Cong trinh Khoa hoc Ky thuat Dieu tra Qui hoach Rung, Vien Dieu tra Qui hoach Rung 1991-1995. Nha xuat ban Nong nghiep, Ha Noi 1996: 116-121. (Primates in the Red Data Book of Vietnam and Conservation. In Scientific & Technical Forest Inventory and Planing Review of the Forest Inventory and Planing Institute period 1991-1995. Agricultural Publishing House. Hanoi, 1996: 116-121).

Pham Nhat, Do Tuoc, Truong Van La, 1996. Preliminary Survey for Hatinh Langur in North Central Vietnam. Asian Primate Newsletter Vol. Nos 3 and 4.

Le Xuan Canh, Truong Van La, Dang Thi Dap, Ho Thu Cuc, Ngo Anh Dao, Nguyen Ngoc Chinh, Nguyen Quoc Dung, Pham Nhat, Nguyen Thai Tu, Nguyen Quoc Thang, 1997. A 

Report on Field Surveys on Biodiversity in Phong Nha - Ke Bang Forest (Quang Binh Province). WWF/UNDP, Hanoi.

Pham Nhat, 1998. A survey for Primates and other mammals of Hin Namno National Biodiversity Conservation Area and its vicinities, Boulapha district, Khammoun Province, Lao PDR. Report to WWF Indochina: 28pp.

Nguyen Xuan ?ang, Pham Nhat, Pham Trong Anh, Ditte Hendsrichsen, 1998. Ket qua ?ieu tra nghien cuu khu he thu o Phong Nha Ke Bang (Quang B?nh) 1/7 - 25/9/1998. Van phong Fauna and Flora International Indochina, Ha Noi v? Vien Sinh thai va Tai nguyen Sinh vat Ha Noi: 71pp. (Nguyen Xuan Dang, Pham Nhat, Pham Trong Anh & Ditte Hendsrichsen, 1998. Results of Field survey for Mammals in Phong Nha Ke Bang (Quang Binh Province) from 1 July to 25 September 1998. Fauna & Flora International Hanoi and Institute of Ecology and Biological Research, Hanoi: 71pp.

Pham Nhat, Do Tuoc, Tran Quoc Bao, Pham Mong Giao, Vu Ngoc Thanh, Le Xuan Canh, 1998. Distribution and Status of Vietnamese Primate. Presentation at the Workshop on  Conservation Action Plan for the Primates of Vietnam, Hanoi 4-6 November 1998, 14pp.

 Pham Nhat and Do Quang Huy, 1999. Dong Vat Rung. Giao trinh Dai hoc Lam nghiep. Nha xuat ban Nong nghiep, Ha Noi: 244 trang. (Wildlife. Text Book of Forestry University of Vietnam. Agricultural Publishing House, Hanoi: 244pp).

Pham Nhat, Nguyen Xuan Dang, 2000. Field Guide to the Key Mammal Species of Phong Nha Ke Bang. Fauna & Flora International-Indochina Programme, Hanoi. Labour-Society Publishing House, Hanoi: 143pp

Pham Nhat, Do Quang Huy, Pham Hong Nguyen, 2000. Report on the Distribution, Ecology and Monitoring of the Red Shanked Douc Langur (Pygathrix nemaeus nemaeus) in Phong Nha Ke Bang. Forestry University of Vietnam (FUV) and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF): 49pp 

John Oates

1997          (J.F. Oates, T.T. Struhsaker & G.H. Whitesides) Extinction faces Ghana's red colobus monkey and other locally endemic subspecies. Primate Conservation 17: 138-144.1998

Report from Nigeria. Gorilla Journal 16: 19-23.1998 Myth and Reality in the Rain Forest: How Conservation Strategies are Failing in West Africa. University of California Press, Berkeley.

2000     (J.F. Oates, M. Abedi-Lartey, W.S. McGraw, T.T. Struhsaker & G.H. Whitesides) Extinction of a West African red colobus monkey.  Conservation Biology 14: 1526-1532.

2000     (E.E. Sarmiento & J.F. Oates) The Cross River gorillas: A distinct subspecies, Gorilla gorilla diehli Matschie 1904. American Museum Novitates 3304: 1-55.

2000     Conservation of Cross River gorillas: a progress report. Gorilla Journal 21: 18-19.

William Olupot

Olupot, W. and P. M. Waser. In Press (2001).  Activity patterns, habitat use, and mortality risks of mangabey (Lophocebus albigena) males outside social groups. Animal Behaviour.

Olupot, W Mangabey dispersal and conservation in Kibale National Park, Uganda PhD Thesis 2001. 

Rebecca Stumpf

1997 Bradley, B., R.M. Stumpf, and P.C. Wright (1997). Morphometrics of Eulemur fulvus albocollaris from Vevembe Forest, Madagascar. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Supplement 24: 79-80. 

Wyner, Y., R. Absher, G. Amato, E. Sterling, R. Stumpf, Y. Rumpler, and R. DeSalle. Species concepts and the determination of historic gene flow patterns in the Eulemur fulvus (Brown lemur) complex.  Biological Journal  of the Linnean Society. 66(1): 39-56. 

Wyner, Y., S. Johnson, R. Stumpf, and R. DeSalle. A genetic assessment of a white-collared/red-fronted lemur hybrid zone at Andringtra, Madagascar. Submitted. 

Juan Carlos Serio Silva


1) Rico-Gray, V., Serio-Silva, J.C. 1999. Elizabeth S. Watts and primate conservation in the Yucatan Peninsula, M?xico. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY, 49 (1) : 92 (Abstract).

2) Serio-Silva, J.C. , Rico-Gray, V. 1998. Siguiendo las huellas de Elizabeth S. Watts en la conservaci?n de los primates mexicanos. LABORATORY PRIMATE NEWSLETTER, 37(4): 8.

3) Serio- Silva, J.C.; Rico-Gray, V. 1999. Los primates de la pen?nsula de Yucat?n: estado actual y estrategias para su conservaci?n. Bolet?n de la Asociaci?n Primatol?gica Espa?ola, Vol. 6, No. 2, Mayo.

4) Serio-Silva, J.C. 2000. Conoce a un primat?logo. Bolet?n de la Asociaci?n Primatol?gica Espa?ola, Vol. 7, No. 1, Marzo.

5) Serio-Silva, J.C. & Rico-Gray, V. 2000. Primates of the peninsula of Yucatan: current state and strategies for their conservation. American Society of primatologists Bulletin Vol. 24, no.2, June.


1999 (AUGUST)XXII American Society of Primatologists meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Elizabeth S. Watts and primate conservation in the Yucatan Peninsula, M?xico. Rico-Gray, V., Serio-Silva, J.C.

1999 (SEPTEMBER)VII Simposio Nacional de Primatolog?a, Asociaci?n Mexicana de Primatolog?a. Catemaco, Veracruz, M?xico.Los primates de la Pen?nsula de Yucat?n: ?d?nde estamos y a d?nde vamos?.Serio-Silva, J.C., Rico-Gray, V.

2001 (FEBRERO -MARZO)VII Simposio de  Antropolog?a F?sica "Luis Montan?" & III Congreso Los Primates como Patrimonio Nacional, La Habana, Cuba.Evaluaci?n de la incidencia parasitaria de primates silvestres en h?bitat fragmentado y conservado en la pen?nsula de Yucat?n. Bonilla-Moheno, M, Serio-Silva, J.C. & Am?ndola-Pimenta, M.

Kristin Siex

Struhsaker T.T. and K.S. Siex.  1996.  The Zanzibar red colobus monkey:  Conservation status of an endangered island endemic.  African Primates2(2):54-61.

Struhsaker T.T. and K.S. Siex.  1997.  The Zanzibar red colobus monkey:  Conservation status of an endangered island endemic.  Primate Conservation 18:51-58.(reprinted from above) 

Struhsaker T.T. and K.S. Siex.  1998.  Translocation and introduction of the Zanzibar red colobus monkey: Success and failure with an endangered island endemic of Africa.  Oryx 32(4):277-284.

Siex, K.S. and T.T. Struhsaker.  1999.  Ecology of the Zanzibar red colobus monkey:  Demographic variability and habitat stability.   International Journal of Primatology 20(2):163-192. 


Siex, K.S.  and T.T. Struhsaker.  1996.  Demography and social structure of the Zanzibar red colobus in relation to habitat quality.  Paper presented at the Joint Congress of the International Primatological Society and the American Society of Primatologists. August 1996.

Siex, K.S. and T.T. Struhsaker.  1998.  Demographic variability of the Zanzibar red colobus in relation to habitat stability.  Paper presented in a symposia at the Congress of the International Primatological Society, August 1998.  

Craig Stanford

in press  Stanford, C.B.  The subspecies concept in primatology: the case of mountain gorillas.  Primates.

2000 Stanford, C.B., C. Gambaneza, J.B. Nkurunungi and M. Goldsmith. Chimpanzees in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda, use different tools to obtain different types of honey.  Primates 41: 335-339.

2000 Stanford, C.B.  The Bwindi Impenetrable Great Ape Project:  Status report for 2000.  Gorilla Conservation News 14.

2000 Stanford, C.B.  Gorillas in a Garden of Eden.  Zoo View 34(2): 16-17.

1999  Stanford, C.B.  Gorilla warfare.  The Sciences.  July/August: 18-23.

1999  Stanford, C.B.  The Bwindi-Impenetrable Great Ape Project: progress

report for 1999.  Gorilla Conservation News 13: 13.

in preparation  Stanford, C.B. and J.B. Nkurunungi.  Sympatric ecology of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) and gorillas (Gorilla gorilla beringei) in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda: preliminary results.

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