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About Primate Conservation, Inc.

    Primate Conservation, Inc., (PCI) is an all volunteer not for profit foundation [501(c)(3)] dedicated to studying,  preserving and maintaining the habitats of the least known and most endangered primates in the world. Over 100 species, approaching half of all primates, are threatened or endangered. The tropical forests where most primates live are disappearing at an alarming rate.   

     Jane Goodall and others like her who have done field studies of primates in their natural habitat have shown that dedicated individuals are one of the keys to successful conservation. PCI provides grants to support the next generation of researchers and conservationists in the field. These grantees research the needs of species,  focusing the attention of  local people and the world. In many cases they are the endangered primates only defense against hunters and loggers.

    Noel Rowe, the author of The Pictorial Guide to the Living Primates founded PCI in 1992 after witnessing the destruction of a lowland forest in Madagascar. Since we made our first grant in 1993, we have provided full, partial, or renewal funding for more than 650 projects in 29 countries with primate habitats. Projects in Asia have received 40% of our funding, in Africa 26%, in Madagascar 20%, and in South America 15%. Grants have gone to study leaf monkeys (28%), apes (17%), lemurs (20%), cheek-pouch monkeys (12%), New World monkeys (13%), lorises and galagos (6%), and tarsiers (4%). Without PCI?s help, many of these projects might never have been accomplished. PCI has supported projects on endangered primates including the Tonkin snub-nosed monkey and the douc langur in Vietnam, the black gibbon in China, Sclater's guenon in Nigeria, the greater bamboo lemur in Madagascar. PCI has also funded projects on better known species including orangutans, gorillas, bonobos and chimps.

        In order to save this vast store house of the natural world's biodiversity, many more people need to be involved in conservation. The people PCI supports are committed to protect these species and their habitats. You can help PCI fund researchers in the tropical forests doing this important conservation work. Without their dedication under difficult physical conditions some of these endangered primates will be lost.

    Over 86% of PCI's budget goes directly to field projects in habitat countries.  Your contributions are tax-deductible.

Scientific Advisory Board

  • Wendy M. Erb, Ph.D Department of Anthropology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

  • Sharon Gursky Ph.D Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843
  • Shawn Lehman , Ph.D Department of Anthropology University of Toronto
  • W. Scott McGraw Ph.D, Associate Professor Department of Anthropology Ohio State University Columbus, OH
  • Melissa Remus Ph.D Department of Anthropology, Purdue University
  • Patricia Wright Ph.D Professor Department of Anthropology SUNY Stony Brook and Executive Director of the Institute of Conservation of Tropical Environments SUNY Stony Brook, and Antananarivo, Madagascar

Emeritus Board Members

  • Bill Bleisch Ph D Fauna and Flora International Beijing, China
  • Colin Chapman Ph D Department of Anthropology McGill University Montreal, Quebec
  • Diane Doran Ph D Associate Professor of Physical Anthropology State University of Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY
  • Russ Mittermeier Ph D President, Conservation International; Chairman,IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group; President, Margot Marsh Biodiversity Foundation.
  • Leanne Nash Ph D Professor Department of Anthropology Arizona State University Tempe, AZ
  • John Oates Ph D Professor of Anthropology Hunter College in New York, NY. 
  • Carel Van Schaik Ph D Professor of Biological Anthropology at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.
  • David Watts Ph D Dept of Anthropology Yale University New Haven, Conn.

General Information: Noel B. Rowe, Director

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Primate Conservation, Inc
1411 Shannock Rd
Charlestown, Rhode Island 02813-3726

Telephone:(401) 364 7140
FAX: (401) 364 6785

Email PCI: nrowe@primate.org