The Pictorial Guide to the Living Primates
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Pogonias Press, the publisher of The
Pictorial Guide to the Living Primates has generously donated a limited number of hard
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PCI of $55.00 you can receive a soft cover version. (The only difference between them is
the binding.) For a donation of $150.00 the author, who is the director of PCI, will
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of PCI to study and protect the least known and most endangered primates.
The Pictorial Guide to the Living Primates
Noel Rowe
Foreword by Jane Goodall and an Introduction by Russell A. MittermeierForeword by Jane Goodall and an Introduction by Russell A. MittermeierForeword by Jane Goodall and an Introduction by Russell A. Mittermeier.
500 color photographs and 16 color illustrations, 8.5x11 inches, 274 pages, 235 range maps, glossary, popular books and web sites, 1020 references , and index.
Winner of Choice Magazine's Outstanding Academic Book Award
This beautiful book illustrates the diversity of the primate order. Each species is treated separately with at least one photograph or illustration for 234 species of primates. Organized like a field guide, the reader can look at handsome color photographs, and find basic information and a range map for each prosimian, monkey and ape. Following the taxonomy of Colin Groves, Ph.D., this book includes the many new species which have been described in the last decade. The book has a strong conservation message and provides the current level of endangerment for each species. Anyone interested in primates should own this book.
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The retail price in bookstores is: hard cover $79.95 ISBN 0-9648825-0-7 soft cover $59.95 ISBN 0-9648825-1-5 plus tax.
Primate Conservation, Inc. 401 364 7140 , Fax 401 364 6785, 1411 Shannock Rd. Charlestown, Rhode Island 02813-3726 (email:
Comments recieved about
The Pictorial Guide to the Living Primates
Winner of Choice Magazine's Outstanding Academic Book Award
Outstanding Academic Book AwardFinalist in the Small Press Book Awards
"The Pictorial Guide to the Living Primates is a naturalists dream come true. It belongs in every nature library and anyone with even the slightest interest in our closest relatives will find endless fascination leafing through this book, admiring its wonderful photographs, and partaking of its extremely useful data and text."
Roger Caras, Naturalist, author, television commentator and current President of The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
"I love books that present comprehensive surveys of all taxa within groups. How else could we ever get and idea of the full extent and glory of biodiversity."
Stephen Jay Gould, Professor of Geology, Harvard University, and columnist for Natural History Magazine
"Noel Rowe's book is a wonderful compilation; not only a collection of high-quality photos, but an up-to-date reference on taxonomy, distribution, conservation status, social organization, ecology and behaviour. It is rare that something advertised as a 'pictorial guide' can in fact be recommended as a serious source for students. I myself devoured it over a weekend, and I return to it again and again - to check on a fact, to read for pleasure, or just to gaze with pleasure on those superb photos."
Colin Groves, PhD, Director of the Biological Anthropology Program, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
"The text is filled with very specific and descriptive information groomed from leading primatologists researching all over the globe, and is organized into categories in an easy-to-read fashion."
Jack Hanna, Director of the Columbus Zoo
"A handsome, comprehensive, and most useful book."
Peter Mathiessen, Author of African Silences and many novels.
"Not only is the book an invaluable reference, it is a delight to look at and read."
George Page, Executive Editor for the PBS television show Nature.
"...a superb book, attractive, insightful and highly useful. It will surely remain a basic reference source for many years"
George Schaller, Author of The Year of the Gorilla.
signs Washoe. Washoe is the first chimpanzee to be taught to communicate with humans using American Sign Language. She was shown the book by Roger Fouts of the Chimpanzee and Human Communication Institute at Central Washington University, Ellensburg, Washington.
"... an authoritative, through, and extremely useful guide to humanities closest living relatives."
E. O. Wilson, Pellegrino University Professor at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Primate Conservation, Inc Telephone:(401) 364 7140 |