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News and Links

Drawing by Stephan Nash

Miss Waldroni's red colobus, which is illustrated in the above drawing, has been declared extinct by researchers who have repeatedly looked for this endangered subspecies for the past several years. Extinction is difficult to prove absolutely, not finding something doesn't necessary mean it isn't there. But PCI funded researcher Dr. Scott McGraw believes there is no hope that this red colobus still exists in any forest it from which it was historically known to inhabit in Ghana and Ivory Coast. The major cause of its demise is the commercial hunting of primates and other wildlife for meat to be sold in local towns as well as urban area. There are several protected areas in which Miss Waldroni's was known to exist 10 to 20 years ago. Lack of effective law enforcement to protect endangered species within these protected areas is the reason this extinction happened. Sadly this maybe the first of many primates species we will never know or see as the exploding world population of humans destroys wildlife for food and profit.

        Though PCI funded several surveys to find this species in hopes it could be saved, all we can say now is we must do better for the other more then 100 threatened and endangered monkeys and apes. Will you help us? 

Other Primate Related Links

Bioko Primate Research A small island of Central West Africa and the research on the primates that inhabit it.

The Primate Information Network The most complete site for information on primates and primatologist including a jobs listing.

International Primate Protection League A web site dedicated to protecting primates from illegal smuggling and also a sanctuary for gibbons located in South Carolina.

Orangutan Foundation International

Balikpapan Orangutan Society - U.S.A.

The Nouabal?-Ndoki National Park Web site. www.wcs-congo.org This park in
Congo was created in 1993 by the Congolese government to conserve the forests of north. This web site includes information on all aspects of the Park, from research and conservation to the wildlife you can see there.

CONSERVATION DATABASE for Lorises (Loris, Nycticebus) and Pottos (Arctocebus, Perodicticus), Prosimian Primates

Saveordelete.com Information from Greenpeace UK about illegal logging in Indonesia.

Illegal Trade Hotline
The United States Department of Agriculture has a hotline number 1800 877 3835 and website www.aphis.usda.gov/ppq/trade for anyone with information about people illegally transporting or trade of plants or animals in the US

Find out about what you can do to help stop global climate change at


The Alliance for Zero Extinction (AZE), a global initiative of biodiversity conservation organizations, aims to prevent extinctions by identifying and safeguarding key sites where species are in imminent danger of disappearing. The goal of the Alliance is to create a front line of defense against extinction by eliminating threats and restoring habitat to allow species populations to rebound.


WildlifeDirect was established to provide support to these conservationists via the use of blogs ? this enables anybody, anywhere to play a direct and interactive role in the survival of some of the world?s most precious species. We believe that the Internet provides an unprecedented means of bringing the remarkable efforts of these dedicated people to the attention of the world. WildlifeDirect takes no administration fee for the funds that are transferred through us so that the financial support can go to where it was intended in its entirety. http://www.wildlifedirect.org/ 

Conservation Education Links and Suggested Reading

The following link is a great reference for people doing conservation education projects. The final chapter of the book has to do with evaluating the success of an education project. We highly recommend this book for people you are planning to apply for a grant to PCI that includes conservation education component.

Interpreting Biodiversity: A Manual for Environmental Educators in the Tropics. 1999
Available in English, French, and Spanish 1999 / 186 pages; 81/2 x 11 spiral-bound paperback.
Outlines the basic building blocks for an interpretive program on biodiversity, including principles of exhibit design, interpretive presentations, community outreach programs, and evaluation. Designed especially for educators and resource managers in tropical countries where the world's biodiversity is richest and most threatened, the illustrated manual offers a variety of ideas for getting started, describes successful interpretive activities, and lists resources for further information.
The manual is also available as a free PDF downloadable file.

If you  are unable to down load this chapter or book, please email the director at nrowe@primate.org and he will email you a copy.

PCI recommends the following articles for people doing conservation education projects.

Jacobson, Susan K.  1997. Rapid Assessment for Conservation Education (RACE).  The Journal of Environmental Education 28(3): 10-19

Jacobson, Susan K.  1987.  Conservation Education Programs: Evaluate and Improve Them.  Environmental Conservation 14(3): 201-206

Jacobson, Susan K. [Ed.]. Conserving wildlife: international education and communication approaches. Columbia University Press. New York. 1995: i-xxxi, 1-302. Chapter pagination: 263-275.


For free pdf downloads of important IUCN conservation articles go to http://tinyurl.com/6lzlgx Titles include: Guidelines for management planning of protected areas

Economic values of protected areas : guidelines for protected area managers

Evaluating effectiveness : a framework for assessing management effectiveness of protected areas

Sustainable tourism in protected areas : guidelines for planning and management

www.sosgorilla.com Is a site where you can make a donation and help the gorillas through an easy and nice way: buying a piece of the gorilla photo on the picture map, as much pixels as you want. This area will show your site url or your name as visitors put the mouse over, and it will be also displayed at the bottom of the page.

Conservation Graduate programs

 Master Program in Primate Conservation

Master?s program in International Nature Conservation.

Ecotourism opportunity

To Find out about how you can personally help study animals in the wild as part of research team go to Earthwatch's web site at http://www.earthwatch.org/expeditions/wright.html


Links to Web sites about other endangered species

The AFRICAN AMERICAN ENVIRONMENTALIST ASSOCIATION has articles about endangered animals for students. It was recommended by Mrs. Milller?s class in California. 


If you would like a beautiful calendar for 2017 with primates on every page, please click this link

http://www.primateconnections.com/calendar?AFFID=231394 (a major part of the proceeds go to conservation organizations that protect primates). Available only until February, 2017


September is PCI?s month


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Primate Conservation, Inc
1411 Shannock Rd
Charlestown, Rhode Island 02813-3726

Telephone:(401) 364 7140
FAX: (401) 364 6785

Email PCI: nrowe@primate.org